Chadwick marywheather. You are the jail time to my sentence. Haha. I'm really glad a relationship brought us together as friends, and I'm really happy that same relationship has kept us friends. That's written with true honesty. I once thought you were such a troublemaker, and wasn't as eager to hang out with you as I am now. I'm glad that's changed. Some of my best teen memories have been with you. You were always the boy I'd run too when I was sad, or needed advice, even when it was about hating your best friend. I have mad respect for every girl you've ever dated; I couldn't do it. You were way too wild for me, I went for the calmer friend. Haha. You would have been like bitter sweet; so fun and wild, but you would drive me crazier than your buddy drove me too currently. That doesn't say I wouldn't have if you woulda asked. Lol. Jk jk! You always were straight up, and truthful in your answers, and always seem to want the best for me. I appreciate that so much. No bullshit with you. You've made some decisions that I've wanted to kill you over, but you're developing into a great young man. :) I'm really proud of you, and that's a lot coming from me as you know. You're never judgmental, and you somehow always have made me feel "good enough." whatever that means. Fuck corporate America. I feel terrible for not coming and watching you play, but I'll be there soon enough. Your family is wonderful, and always there for me. I'm so upset that you're not able to be the fantastic father I know you could be, but bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks. I tried all my adolescent experimentation with you, and spent wayyyy to much money at BK. You're the real life example of a bad ass. You've dated some weird ass girls, but I'm happy with the idea that you've found the one. I feel like you've matured a lot with Smashley, and I'm excited to keep watching. My only wish is that you get in school, and teach some kids about life. School those rich kids on common sense, by using your fuck up stories. Haha. You've been a great sibling to the other kids by your ma', and I'm jealous I don't have such a great big brother. I'm writing this in front of you, and days like today, I've never had more fun. You make the simplest things fun. Always have. Like blowing up the mystery machine... Even though I was just "your bestfriends girlfriend" I've always considered you more than my boyfriends best friend. I've always thought of you as one of my best friends. :D I'm so excited for when I turn 21, so you can take me out to the bars. And continue teaching me the ways of alcohol. Get off probation so we can just got back to our woods ways. Love you Chad!
Kayla your the best. Honestly just the best, thank you so much.