Ms. Emma Rose. How is it that over our years, you know, since that young '96, we have still kept in contact? Maybe its meant to be? Maybe because we need each other? We don't have to use the word NEED...I guess want is better. I want you in my life. I can only hope you want me in yours. Like how does it happen, by chance I guess, that we were somewhat as rivals in our early years? It was Chloe and I as one of the bff girl friendships in Ricks Class, then it was Natalie and yourself as the other. All the other first graders wanted to be us...You know it! But now, 14 years later, there's really not much of Chloe and I, or Natalie and you; Its You and I. <3 And with all the arguments, disagreements, laughs, crys, hot tub nights, bar fights (Get Cryphy!), random boys houses, broken parking ramp arms, duluth trips and falling in love with UMD boys at age 15, I wouldn't have wanted to grow up any other way. I like to think you're the true you in front of me. I know you may think I judge you often, but I really don't. I'll accept you for you any time of day. I may act like I'm disappointed in you, or that I'm unhappy with some of the decisions you make, but it's not to hurt you. Its a weird friend defense mechanism I was with you... I always have. You're such a confident person, I hate to see that lost. I hate to see you in situations where your confidence lacks. Its frustrating. I bet it is for you as well. I've always believed in the dreams you have for yourself, and I know you can do it. Everytime you sing, I think of 5th grade when you would CONSTANTLY be singing "Reflection" from Mulan. Even though I'm not a huge fan of Xtina, I have the song in my itunes, and have had it in every ipod I've ever had, all because it reminds me of you. There are a lot of things about you that I create that connection with. Mini Vans and Escalades are also in there...Especially how the Hawaiian fire probably STILL has Escalade written on the back of the seats? Or how everytime I get a quasdilla at Taco Bell, I remember how the first time I had one was with you...After your birthday at Camp Snoopy. Alright alright, enough with the stories. I also want to say, within the last year, we've both grown up a lot, and it makes me really happy that I actually see it in you. I barely see it in myself, but I catch myself thinking now "Emmas got this." As your friend, I'm thankful to be apart of it. Even though its personal, I get to sit back and watch.
I'm glad we really don't have limits with each other; both, you and I are extremely independent, and hard headed. We both have our opinions, and we stick to them, and we argue with the best of them. Even when we get pissed at each other over our disagreements, we always find each other again. You're like the brother I never had. Especially since I think we really were suppose to be men. I can say with the biggest smile on my face, I am SO thankful that you laugh at my jokes, and you have the ability to bring the laughter right back to me. Everytime I send you a housing listing, I get nervous; We're gunna live with each other someday, quote me on that. But even if we drive each other crazy, I hope to whatever is up in space, that we can work whatever problems out with each other. And in all honestly, hopefully it'll make us enjoy each other even more..? It's probably a Pisces thing...We're so much alike we wanna kill each other. But OH WELL. You're stuck with me. Rather you like it or not. Unless you really push me to the edge, which its always came close, but its never happened, I'm still gunna be there. We've been through way to many memories together, DI, was ridiculous. I'm glad we don't really have the same taste in guys, otherwise we'd probably have a lot more problems. haha, who knows, maybe we'll just marry the same guy someday? I know you're down as long as He lives in Minneapolis, has a beard, and likes ICP. ;)
Again, in all honestly, I want you to be next to me when I get married. <3 and when I have babies. and when I'm dying from obesity.
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