I'll be in Duluth until Sunday. Then I get to see my favorite terrible rapper on Sunday.. Sir Gucci.
I would move to Duluth someday; thus far I have seen about 100 couples walking on the board walk, and I can only dream that someday I can do that with my significant other. Even though it's ridiculously freezing this time of year, especially with the Canadian winds coming off Lake Superior, the couples have their hands tangled fingers in-between one another. Not even going to lie, I got a weeeee bit jealous. As well as envious of these couples. I feel like, even though Duluth is an urban city, especially with all its industrial stuff, shipping and receiving, I could have a happy loving relationship. Like, I understand that just moving to Duluth wouldn't keep me and my future man in love, the environment is so peaceful, and beautiful, it'd be a nice influence. In the cities, for dates, we have some parks, and nice little nature areas; but what's more natural than NATURAL beauty of the great lakes, access to three different states, and an entirely different country? Nothing. nothing at all. So when I have a boyfriend, I'll taking a weekend off work, and forcing them to come to Duluth with me. Just sayin'.
Oh, and it's suppose to snow tomorrow. GOOD OL' MINNESNOWDA.
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