Okay, so I'm starting this story off with a complaint..HOW DO WE ONLY HAVE ONE PICTURE OF US TOGETHER?! Like seriously. Just us. This needs to change. We have like 4 years to make up...
Secondly, Bethany. I'm glad we're on good terms again. Even though we're not like CONSTANTLY in connection with each other, I was pretty sad when we werent talking. There I admitted it. And yeah, I probably did over react, and I'm glad everything is positive again. Now I tell story;
Well I've known this young latina since 7th grade. We didn't really talk all that much until our Junior Year (when some transfer kid came and acted like glue between us. You know who you are...) But I'm glad you decided to play soccer because I was desperate for players in 10th grade! (or was it 9th? I dont remember). Soccer helped us get to know each other, and we clicked. We're kind of a weird friendship when you think about it... We both have other friends outside of us. Some of yours I like more than others, and I think you can agree with that statement. I respect that your mature enough to never make me choose, just because you hate someone I'm friends with. I mean, me and someone in your group have a lot more negativity than you towards my friends...But gat damnit, you get the point. I respect how close you are with your family, and how dedicated you are in any type of relationship you're in. You're overly kind, and it makes you who you are. You personally have your limits, and you know when and how to stand up for yourself. You have a high boiling point, and that's rare these days. You work hard, and are satisfied by the smallest things. And did I mention even when you look terrible, you still look better than any outfit, or hair style I could come up with? You have natural beauty, and I want you to recognize that. I'm glad you understand my pain, of lowing ourselves to Inver, but atleast you know you're better than this place. (aka the library I'm writing this in). Sorry if I swear to much for you, and just know I get super excited when you actually swear. (It makes me feel like I'm not that much of a loser, because Bethany is swearing it up too!) You have a lot of options in your life right now, and I'm glad you're moving slow and taking it step by step. I learn from you in that aspect, because I really try and move things too fast, where you slow everything down. If you doubt yourself at anytime now, know that one person believes in you to the fullest. You'll be fine. :)
Ps: I'm glad you hate Inver too. It makes coming to this awful school a lot easier for me, because I know you feel the same way.
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