Kayla: \ka(y)-la\ is pronounced KAY-la; Variant of Kay; "pure"; Kayla is a female given name of Hebrew and Arabic origin, meaning "wise child."
I want my voice heard, because I feel like I have one;
Middle child, of three girls. Irish and Mdewakanton Sioux. Raised by a single father. Mom's a meth addict. Minnesota is where I reside. Athlete; Softball, Hockey, Soccer. I love school. I love anatomy and physiology. I love english. I love to write. I have a multiple best friends. I'm self conscious, and I'll be the first to admit it. I enjoy smoking mary jane, and taking shots of vodka. I dislike berries, mushrooms and tomatoes. I could eat pineapple, chips, and seafood all day. I adore water. Tap water, or Aquafina that is. None of that nasty ice mountain crap. Naturally curly hair. But straighten it everyday. Green eyes; couldn't ask for a better color. I love having DD's. I want a flat stomach. I love my legs. I wouldn't be me if I didn't have my butt chin, and webbed toes. I was in love once. I was heart broken twice. Lust can break a heart as well. I'm optimistic. I go into everything with a smile. I love music; punk, alternative rock, rap, and rat pack kind of stuff. I'd rather not be in college. Even though I love school. If it was acceptable in society, I'd just get pregnant and be a stay at home mom. I got a lot of making up to do for my own mother. My biggest fear is cancer. and being raped. and failure. I'm going to school to be a Physical Therapist, so you can start writing out "Dr. Fearing" now. Or I'll just be an anatomy professor; thats my back up plan. I have an unhealthy obsession with Pascal Dupuis, and a lot of other professional male athletes. I could talk and talk all day. I want a lake home. I was a three kids; boy, girl, boy. I'm pretty much only sexually attracted to caucasians. But I'm not racist at all. I went to an urban high school. I'm glad I came out not as ghetto as most. My heart belongs to my neice, Stephanie; she's the future of America. Meet her, you'll understand. Blink 182 is my favorite band; Atmosphere is up there too. I miss my german shepard Lucy. I'll be the owner of a seal someday; they ma' fav. I refuse to wear Nike shoes. The only brand I search for is adidas. I want to find a good guy and have a serious relationship. I like those; I had one for 5 years, and got my heart broken. I miss him a lot. But I can never forgive him. I like brown hair. I like brown or green eyes. Guys don't have to be tall, but atleast 5'9'. They gotta be athletic. as well as look it. I like sex. I love holding hands. I'd like to be President one day. I wish I was playing Division 1 softball. I should of worked harder. I have a love hate relationship with my dad; I AM his daughter. We're identical in our actions. I envy my grandparents; 52+ strong, I can't think of life without them. I want to be a mom more than anything; if I can't be, I'll probably kill myself. I don't believe in God really; I don't know what is spriturally there, I'm a science girl; I need proof after proof. I do believe in Aliens; if I ever see one. again. I'll probably kill myself. I'm a liberal. A democrat. I'd kill Michelle Bachmann if I could; she embarrasses Minnesota. I believe in gay marriage, and abortion for rape victims, and extreme cases. I want to see Ireland. And dive the Great Barrier Reef. I'd like to save someones life. Not to be a hero, just to practice saving my own. I could drive non-stop if gas wasn't so expensive. My ford explorer is my baby. I work with adults with disabilities, and truthfully, I've shocked myself; I've gotten very open and understanding due to the job. I wish I was better at math. I don't have confidence in school because of my poor math skills. I still sleep with my baby blankie. And I don't care one bit what anyone thinks. I'd wear a tshirt, and sweats or softball shorts everyday if I could. I'm so excited to plan a wedding; I love formal events. When I'm made up the most, is when I'm the most vulnerable. If I dress up, I'm trying to impress, and when I'm trying to impress someone, I open up everyhing; Its easy for me to get hurt. It happens a lot. I'm used to it. I fall easily; I over think males body language, and what they say. I wish I was educated better on that. I'm a published poet; USA hockey magazine, 1997. I want to get a photography book published, as well as an entire poetry album. All for my friends to place on their coffee tables. I use facebook way too much. I love wendys chicken nuggets. I've never had a boxspring bed; Always have had a water bed. I'm independent. I can't wait to live on my own again. I'll be famous for something someday. I have a Presidential crush on john f. kennedy. I want to be able to roll my "R"'s. I get crushes on my friends brothers often. Its a really bad habit. I love mallo cups. If I could live in another decade, I'd live in the 1920's or 1940's. that being said, I'm obsessed with world war two. as well as discovery health channel. my favorite season is winter. I personally love snow! I need to develop a savings, and get better with my money. I'm growing up, I'm learning my way. I'm making changes in my life, because I deserve a lot better than I settle for. I obviously can lay out what I like and what I don't. what I want and what is just foolish. I'm building confidence, and turning heads a long the way.
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