It was winter of thy Junior year in high school. Here comes another tomboy looking hardass, coming into class in sweats and a hoodie, looking half asleep like me. Everyone else got ready for school; not me and this girl. We woke up at 7:20am, hauled ass to class by 7:29am and walked in like we obviously didnt want to be there, and we'd rather not be there, we'd rather be sleeping or down in dickinsons office sleeping. Oh, and we both liked soccer. She more than I, but she was the only other white girl on the team. Even though I pretty sure her pigment is quite wrong...And now we're bestfriends.
Amber, I want you to know I appreciate you more and more everyday. We both share crazy amounts of knowledge with each other about life, and we relate. Even though I constantly am talking, you can shut me up. haha. I think you're going to be and already am an amazing mother of Taylor, and I'm excited to watch him grow up into a fine gentleman. I believe in everything you do, and thats not even trying to suck up. For realllll. I know you can do anything you put your mind too, rich or poor. You're such a good sister to all your siblings, a caring girlfriend, which I thought I was a great girlfriend in my times, but you blow me out of the water in some cases. You're crazy smart, even though one wouldnt assume that at first glance or conversation..Its like your secret weapon. Its crazy. You crack me up with your driving skills, and your "Well shit happens" attitude, and you get right back to it. So with all that being said; we may not talk everyday, or we may hang out and talk constantly for a week straight. Always know that unless you do something to ruin our friendship, I'm on your side. :)
:D awww :)