Since boys dont have feelings or emotions, none of you get a full blog post. So here are my top guys friends, and a little blurb about them all. I want you GUYS to know I appreciate everything you bring to my life.
"I'm the tomboy so I got to be a little butch." - Laura Prepon 
First off. Micheal Paul. Who? MIKE BROWN. I love to give you all the shit in the world Mike, and I thank you so much for taking it all. *By the way, like our picture? I had to cut a certain EX out, and then it looked like I didnt have hair...Thus MicroPaint had to do.* I've known Mr. Brown since Freshman year in high school; I knew him as a loud, obnoxious, kid, who would laugh whenever I told someone I was from Compton...I had people believing it, and to this day, I still don't know who knows the truth. Come to find out this past year, Mike is from Compton. He probably knew my lies all along.. Anyways. Mike over the last year you have dealt with me at all types of highs and lows, and I know you've gotten quite frustrated with me. But alas, you still have my back. Your stern and strict, and I feel like you treat me like I'm a little sister of yours... Not Nicole exactly, because you have a bond there thats unbreakable, but you always try to protect me; even when your words might break my heart, I know you mean the best. I appreciate you dropping what you're doing to come outside when I show up unexpectedly, and watch the planes at the airport with me. And get really chopped. Thats a nice bonus. I also respect you a lot more as a whole person now, since you've started to open up to me about your past, present and future. You speak a big game my friend, but I'm glad I can see you have goals, and plans to win that game. You get ghetto at times, and I love how you allow me to call you out on it. As well as when you call me out on my white tendencies. We keep each other balanced in a friendship, and that's the best. I'm glad you can take everything I throw at you, and you throw things at me underhand. (Even though I COULD handle your opinions full on, I'm glad you sugar coat them in the heat of the moment). My only thing to say to you, is that I'm proud of you. I'm glad we're so close, and we are so open with each other. QUIT being a horndog though. Your girl will come. Chill out. I know thats HILARIOUS coming from me, but oh well. It needed to be said. Don't fall head over heels in every relationship you get in. And from a female's perspective, you can do A LOT better than the girls you've talked to in the past. Just sayin'. And get your ass back in school, get that degree, and then worry about the Navy. I know you're set on it, but you're a very intelligent young man, and I'd rather see you on the paper for curing cancer, than for killing a pirate.
"I was a tomboy and most of my close friends were male." - S. E. Hinton 
So Kevin, since we don't actually have a photo together, I made one. I tried to find a wake boarding one, but no luck. :( Mr. Richards, I don't know how I could possibly describe you to someone; you're really the only friend I've even made at the U. I mean, yeah, I have people I chat to, but I can actually talk to you. And you listen. For the short time I've known you (Anatomy 1135 Spring Semester Freshman year represent!) I think with the limited resources we have of actually hanging out together, we have developed a damn good friendship. I can call you, and you always answer. I'll text you, and you always text back. Its refreshing to know I have you as an option whenever I need someone. Even though 99% of our conversations consist of the following topis; Fuck college, Fuck girls, Fuck boys, Fuck being single, Fuck work, and "I'm drunky," I feel that we work well together. Like I said, I barely know you, but I know you so well. Its a funny relationship. I'm glad you stole my number off facebook back in the "day" and that my ring tone was (and should still be) "Like A Boss." Because Kevin, together we are exactly that; bosses. Plus it was nice to have a good guy friend that the Ex got jealous of. haha, always entertaining. Here is my advice for you; Keep doing what you're doing. Forget about stupid girls who hurt you, and know that you are ONE ATTRACTIVE GUY, and you have a great personality, and if a girl doesn't like you? MAYBE she knows you're too good for her. Since I wrote you this, I want to party with you soon. This has never happened, and it needs too. No more excuses. I know you have my number, so know that I'll still text back whenever you text me. PS: WE'RE gunna get one of our conversations on Before I die.
"I've always been like that. I was a tomboy when I was a kid, so I was always playing baseball and basketball and football and stuff as a kid with the boys."- Catherine Bell
Cory Borgan! Circa 2002. Where would my life be without you? Since we were 12 years old, you and I have had the best Guy/Girl friendship ever. Granted we have had some crazy situations come our way, and we've taken time off from even talking, I'm so glad we still can talk about anything. Its crazy how things happen in life...You know that better than anyone. You have dealt with a lot of drama in your 20 years, and you've helped me through all the drama that's come my way. I appreciate it our friendship a lot, and that's why I always try to come and visit you at Holiday. I know that you'll always be there when I need to chat about the dumbest, smallest, girly-est things. You always give me your opinion in a respectable manor, and never like to see me hurt. I can tell that's something that you always try and fix for me. You always try and say the best thing for the situation, and you put a smile on my face. I'm glad that you care so much about me as a person. Looking back, I'm really sorry for what I did to make our senior year as distant from each other as it was. I would totally take that back if I could. Boyfriends do that to girls; and you should understand, since you know, You were related to the kid. haha. I'm glad though when I came back to our friendship, you were there with open arms. I'm grateful you've been able to talk to me about pretty much everything in your life, and accept my opinions. I like our new smoke breaks...although I promise you and myself they won't last long. I'm so happy you finally have a girlfriend who is so dedicated to you; You deserve it. I say that will every honest ounce in my body. I can't wait for the wedding day! Hopefully I am at your side, as your "Best Man." haha, I'm really excited if this actually happens. Otherwise I'm completely fine with being an usher...thats cool too. Cory, you're like a brother, and thank you for all the advice you've given me, and all the notes we used to write to each other in junior high. I still have them all in a shoebox, and can't wait to bust those bad boys out someday. I'd like to just add this about you Mr. Borgan; GET YOUR ASS IN SCHOOL. You are TOO smart to be wasting away behind a counter. Or at home. You have the brain to be something big. You're academically intelligent, and you have an enormous amount of street smarts. Forget about the money, take some loans out, and do it. I'm gunna bug you about this until you do it. I'll motivate you until I can't no more. Okay I'm done. :)
"I suppose I`m more of a tomboy than the girly-girl, which is why I can`t walk on stilettos very well." - Keira Knightley
Surprise surprise Mr. Hawaiian! You made it on my blog. Yeah, its not as cool as all your reviews and shit, but I can only update my facebook status so many times without you judging me on my song lyrics, and my girly bitches. So this is my ode to you Mr. Murphy. First I'd like to describe you in a quote;
"I'm a simple man. All I want is enough sleep for two normal men, enough whiskey for three, and enough women for four." - Joel Rosenberg Secondly, THANK YOU for being my go to guy in High School. I'm so glad you wore that Dropkick Murphys tshirt in Ms. Taube's class. Otherwise who would know where we would be today? I was so happy to know that I was not the only person in Humboldt with some sort of education in damn good music. I'd like to thank Dropkick for our friendship. Without them, I'd probably just think you were a quiet, shy, werid kid. Who spoke ever so softly. But because of that Tshirt of yours, I know that you're really fucking cool, and if I want to have an intelligent conversation about pop culture, and critique it, you're the guy to talk too. Even though since graduation, we havn't hung out much, when we have those have been some of the nights I want to remember. I always have fun when I'm with you, and when we text, or do crazy amounts of posting to each other on facebook, I'm glad that you havn't jumped on the "I hate Kayla" bandwagon like most of your friend group. I'm glad we're still cool. :) I'm really proud of you, from a friend to friend, for all the things you're doing. I'm glad that of all the people I want to succeed, you're taking some personal responsibility, and going out and getting what you want. I love to read your reviews, and see how pissed off you make people; even though I don't agree with some of the things you are strong opinionated about, I gain more respect for you everything I read. I also have noticed we don't have too many heart to hearts; I'm completely fine with that, but if you ever need to talk, know that I'd love to listen to you, and help the best I can. All I have to end this with is that I only wish the best for you, and I'm excited to see how far you go in your projects. ALSO, we're going to a show together. Soon. Rather than our half assed attempts we've done, like all the Irish Fairs, and Taste. We're pregaming and going to a show, and you can fight guys, and I'll fight girls. It'll be like senior year car pool, All over again. Again, don't review my blog. I don't think I could take your great word choices. lol.
Gentleman, I love having you all in my life. Our relationships all vary from level to level, but know I enjoy having you there. :D
...I mean, We're cool. I think you are all really cool, and manly, and guylike. Fuck bitches get money.
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