"A well-developed sense of humor is the pole that adds balance to your steps as you walk the tightrope of life." - William Arthur Ward
Chloe. Ann. Taipale. First and foremost, that picture of us and Gucci Mane (WHICH IS REAL). took me FOREVER. Its probably time I invest some moments downloading a photoshop torrent. Secondly, the quote above, is you in my mind perfectly. You are my humor; when ever I need to laugh, I have no doubt in your abilities to make me crack up. And in no way am I trying to say you're a "Joke" to me. I'm saying that I could not adore you more, and a large part of the Chloe I know and love is because of your humor. Even since 1st grade, we've been best friends. We were a team dude. Remember errrrrvyone crying because they couldn't sit next to you. Well shhiiittt, I had that chair on lock. I didn't care how many tears Jacquline, or Amy cried. WE WERE THE DUO. Whenever I think of our first encounter, I think of you with a Dinosaur book in hand, and schooling Rick on Dino-facts. I was constantly impressed with your usage of large words like "Herpatologist." I was 7, I didn't know how to repeat that shit verbally. But hey, we got along great, and you always brought a lunch; I would ask you why, and you would tell me stories about evil lunch ladies, and apples that had came to life. But with all your stories as gifts to me, when you got your patch, I wore tape on my face, to show you how much I cared about you. Another thing I respect so much about you is your ability to take nothing too serious; I have only seen you upset a handful, if that, amount of times. I on the other hand, can upset over everything, and stressed out. I dont know how you remain your composure? I'm seriously jealous of it. I can't express how thankful I am that I had you by my side through all our Pre-Teen life lessons. We had our first jobs together, our first police experiences together (but did we not get some cool makeup, bracelets, earrings, and all other ridiculous things are parents would have just bought us?) as well as talked about our first crushes together.. Duane. Liam. Oh good times, good times. Oh, and what about the skater persona I basically forced you into? But most of all, I think of this everytime I drink a cherry coke; the bathroom pop fight. Cherry coke cans everywhere, ferrets frolocking around the house, and homemade pizzas that we'd make together every sleepover. <3 We were (are!) the definition of best friends in my opinion. We did shit we'd read about in our J14's, and shit we watched on Degrassi. But lastly, I can't forget to mention the time we set a timer on your TV so we could watch the Spice Channel...then we woke up at 6am, and missed the movie. Thats when my obsession with porn began...
With all great times, there are always some bad. I have admitted it, and I will admit it again. Mr. Christian changed our relationship, and I allowed him too. I'm still so sorry for that. I should have never put him in front of you, no matter what. I didn't realize what I was doing at the time, and it came back to bite me. I respect you a lot for dealing with it, and when him and I broke up, you were there for me still. Thats a true friend. Thats someone I owe so much too, because of that. Especially since you seemed to be one of the biggest supporters of the relationship, and really helped get it started. But he's a problem we'll never have to deal with again... and I've learned my lesson. Promise. I'm really happy that we're developing our friendship again, right where we left off. I love that we can always pick up from where we left off, and have the time of our lives. We are sooo different in so many ways, but for us to be as close as we are, just shows that none of those differences matter; just the way any friendship should be. You know I cried when you left for St. Scholastica? I didn't think you'd come back...haha, BUT YOU DID! and I'm SO thankful for that. Its like a sign from black jesus himself that we need to eat at popeeyes a lot more, and maybe we'll run into our future blinged out husbands... like homeboy with two blackberrys..? Its a possibility. I never have a bad time with you, and I want you to know, that even though we don't hang out every weekend. Or even talk everyday. You are always going to have a secured spot in my life, and my heart. You're like a sister to me. I can honestly say Tiffany and Melady are both obsessed with you... "Chloe's coming?!" You're also a great excuse to get out of chores.. Dad: "Clean. Or I'll beat you." Kayla "I'm going to hang with Chloe, and have a sleepover." Dad: "Oh! Okay! :D Have a GREAT TIME!" And to be completely honest, I'm so excited to see where you end up in life. You're going to be famous I hope. I'd be awesome if it was for your writing ability, or you're just going to have to be the next CoCo. Your choice. I won't judge.
In closing, I love you. <3 I don't know what kind of person I'd be if I didnt know you. When everything and everyone fails me in Saint Paul, I know I can take a 15min drive to 96, and have my entire day flipped, and be in the best mood of my life. I don't frown when I'm with you, and I don't EVER question myself. You make everything a joke, and you supply criticism when its needed. I don't think I'll ever have as much fun watching music videos and stuffing my face with Doritos or the all time favorite, Funyums than I do with you. I'm excited to do it together with our animals we hoard in out trap house someday. So CAT, again, thank you for being my best friend again. :)
PS: If or shall I say when we have heart attacks, this photo below can be used as evidence.

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