
If I could only resume your attention

I have avoided looking at any pictures of you. Or even trying to talk to you. I never had you, but I'm so disappointed I don't get to see you anymore; I really wanted to get to know you. I really wanted to be good friends. I've never had your full attention, and that's what gets me the most. I was so set, so sure that I did. The first night we hung out you treated me like a princess. That first night. I wish I would have acted different, maybe I acted interested in you too late? Should I have just asked you up front out on a date. You still owe me a coffee "date", that never happened, and I want to take that shot I passed up with you. I wish we could just start over, and I could choose the other options than I did. Ugh. Maybe then I wouldn't be so lovesick for you. "/
But gatdamn! You're nearly perfect. Do something wrong in my eyes already. Uuggghhh.

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