I love that I currently have a crush on like 6 people;
- 2 are "He's fine! I'd do him."
- 1 I'm confused on. I like um', but I don't feel like its worth any of my effort. We'll see, I mean, we're building a good bond.
- 2 I'm completely head over heels for...If only I knew how he felt. "/ Or if he didnt make it so damn one sided, and awkward. Both in this situation confuse the hell out of me, but we'll see if I end up with either? Because they are both just freakin' swell. One is a little ignorant on some issues, but he'd still look pretty...On the other side of my bed ;)
- 1 is completely off limits. fml. because he's a doll. :) but off limits for better reasons..I want to know though SO BAD, if there would even be a chance if the situation was soo much more different. But then, I probably wouldn't think he's such a awesome kid.
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