What the fuck Cali?! First prop 8, and now prop 19??? Could you please step your game up? You know, most of the country watches you… Set a better example for the future… Why be so childish, and so uneducated to go out and vote against civil rights issues, and look like complete idiots? I’m not the most educated political follower out there, but I like to know that when I vote, I’m helping OTHERS. Not just my own personal agenda. I hope that two years from now, gay marriage and medical marijuana are legalized, and all those against it can fuck themselves. I want my children to have choice, and live in a diverse world.
Secondly. WHAT THE FUCK MINNESOTA. My home, and my love! WHY THE HELL DID MICHELLE BACHMANN get re-elected!? What the fuck does she do with her job title? Embarrassment. Thats what. Shes an uneducated, rich, obnoxious women, who, if I could, wouldnt hesitate to act upon her presence violently.
AND FINALLY. I swear to whatever GOD there is above, if Tom Emmer wins this re-count over Mark Dayton, Minnesota is doomed. fucking screwed. Way to Go Minnesotans! Way to just “Do It.” Such disappointment from election day…I’m going to just live in a cave.
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