Two stars
You and I
So far away
But so close
I just want to talk to you
Within the dark sky
All I see is
You and I
No others shining
No others bright
I just see us
Next to the moons light
"The most important things are the hardest to say. They are the things you get ashamed of because words diminish your feelings; words shrink things that seem timeless when they are in your head to no more than living size when they are brought out."
Parachute - Losing Sleep - She (For Liz) WITH LYRICS
This song is exactly how I feel about someone currently. I love music that captures our emotions. Check out Parachute; they’re good shit. :)
“She, she is the words that I can’t find; How can the only thing that’s killing me, make me feel so alive? And I couldn’t speak; I couldn’t breathe to save my life…”
Once You've Been Picked;

If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything.” - Marilyn Monroe
That’s the glue to all of my “crushes.” (and btw, I feel like I’m 12 saying crush). If a guy can make me laugh, I’ll start to look at you differently; I mean like a good laugh, I seriously laugh. Not a chuckle, I can do that myself. If a guy can identify himself with my humor, and accept me trying to be the clown of any group, then I’ll start to fall for you.
Secondly, I love jaw lines, eyes, and smiles. Those are the three basic physical characteristics I look at.
Jaw lines, if defined, make a boy look like a man. To me, it shows masculinity. No boy has a chiseled jaw line; only men do. And every girl looks for a man. I love deep, big eyes. I have a on going obsession with brown, and green eyes. (I’ve only really liked one guy with blue eyes…and he broke my middle school heart). Last, but not least, the smile. :D I like kissing; I like teeth; I want to be looking at nice teeth, so I have motivation for kissing. If a guy flashes a nice smile about, I take it as if they’re not shy; they’ll open their mouth, and they will speak up. Which is attractive in its own right. That being said…
I fall for guys that have a voice, and use it. You don’t have to be a prick. You don’t have to be obnoxious. You just have to WANT to put your opinion out on the table, and know how to debate behind it. I hate guys that no nothing, and stand up for nothing. I’m to much of a passionate person to stand back and allow that. I would LOVE if we disagreed on things; I don’t want to be your clone. But express things to me if I don’t agree with you. It’s a huge turn on.. ;) and if we do have everything in common, that’s okay too. As long as the guy isn’t holding anything back.
Therefor, I need a guy who wants to protect me. I’m a daddy’s girl, and its a hard label to be applied. But I look up to my dad for always being there for me, and making me feel safe as a young women; I want a boyfriend who’ll do the same. If a guys makes me safe, rather its something they say, or the comfort of their hand touching my solder, I’ll get a little crush :) There is no better feeling in the world for a girl, then to be hugged and held by a guy she likes. Its the ultimate high.
Finally, I want a guy who likes to have fun. Go on random adventure. Go outside. Stay inside. Make up inside jokes, laugh, cry, wrestle, play pranks on each other, go to sporting events (OFTEN!), make fun of peoples facebook pictures with me, cook dinner with me, makeout OFTEN, cuddle more, I love sex and if you don’t then we’ll never work. I want to be with a guy who can keep up with me, and my excess amount of energy. I need that. I’ve never had that, and I ended up becoming a negative, no fun girl to try and match my significant others personality; I will NEVER do that again, its taking to long to be a fun girl again. I want a boyfriend who wants their girlfriend to be their bestfriend. <3 I’m completely possible of it. I want to be the “cool” girlfriend in your friend group, and I’m looking for someone who’ll welcome me into their group. I want you to play Mario Cart with me. Be cool. Be a young man, not a child. Lets party together, and laugh about how we cant remember the night, the next morning. That’s all I really want. You don’t have to be perfect at anything; just atleast try with a smile :)
And here’s the slow, pretty part;
I’m a girl who would rather hold hands with a guy if I really really have feelings for him; I feel like that bond between two people is the hardest one to accomplish…even though its usually the first step for couples, or people seeing each other. I’ve kissed more guys than I have held hands with. If I am willing to allow you to hold my hand, its me giving up my ultimate trust. But once I reach for your five fingers, I’m throwing my “no” answers up, and I’m yours after that… Because knowing me, and my history…
- You’ll make me laugh
- I’ll hold your hand
- And then “You can make her do anything.”
So gentleman, if you think that any of the above applies to you, then I’ve probably noticed it. :)
I Hate Politics...aka Dumbasses

Secondly. WHAT THE FUCK MINNESOTA. My home, and my love! WHY THE HELL DID MICHELLE BACHMANN get re-elected!? What the fuck does she do with her job title? Embarrassment. Thats what. Shes an uneducated, rich, obnoxious women, who, if I could, wouldnt hesitate to act upon her presence violently.
AND FINALLY. I swear to whatever GOD there is above, if Tom Emmer wins this re-count over Mark Dayton, Minnesota is doomed. fucking screwed. Way to Go Minnesotans! Way to just “Do It.” Such disappointment from election day…I’m going to just live in a cave.
I love the male sex.

I love that I currently have a crush on like 6 people;
- 2 are "He's fine! I'd do him."
- 1 I'm confused on. I like um', but I don't feel like its worth any of my effort. We'll see, I mean, we're building a good bond.
- 2 I'm completely head over heels for...If only I knew how he felt. "/ Or if he didnt make it so damn one sided, and awkward. Both in this situation confuse the hell out of me, but we'll see if I end up with either? Because they are both just freakin' swell. One is a little ignorant on some issues, but he'd still look pretty...On the other side of my bed ;)
- 1 is completely off limits. fml. because he's a doll. :) but off limits for better reasons..I want to know though SO BAD, if there would even be a chance if the situation was soo much more different. But then, I probably wouldn't think he's such a awesome kid.
halloween pictures. spooky.
One will always find a spot to fit in;
Even though we have our differences, these four girls have been the glue to my social life for the last 15+ years. All at times, one at others. We’ve all been together with heartbreak, first loves, family problems, personal problems, and everything in between. We ALL have one complaint about one another, everyone does. Why try and live up to some standard? Before standards werent even mentioned, we were all happy. <3 I love you girls. But lets not participate in GIRL bullshit.
SECONDLY. I love having somewhat new guy friends in my life. I really am lucky to have guys that will sit and listen to me rant, and then even open themselves up to me, so I understand things going on in their life. It makes me feel like I'm actually wanted. As well as makes me feel more and more comfortable with the things that happen to me on a daily basis. I just wanted to make sure that the internet world understands how I feel about all this; if it wasn't for always one young man always stepping up for me, I'd be lost. I need to always have a good guy friend. It makes me feel balanced. :)
I'd rather not have to say any of this;

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