You can’t fake baseball. You either can hit a fastball or you cant. Simply as that. Yeah, steroids might help, but whatever, lets forget those exist just for the essence of this post. Watch Fever Pitch, with Jimmy Fallon and Drew Berrymore. You’ll fall in love.

I love baseball/Softball. Completely in love. Whenever something was going bad, I could depend on the sport to be there for me. I, myself, am a softball player. I started in Tball, and to tell you the truth, I don’t think I’ve skipped a season since. So a good 17ish years under my belt, thank you. It was my life every spring and summer. I didn’t get to go to the beach everyday; I was getting down and dirty in the sand. My worst medical encounter came from Softball (Whats Up, popped Bursa? Blood Infection? Knee Surgery?) but I wouldn’t have wished any other surgery upon myself in any other way. I’m perfectly fine with my scar… that looks like a gunshot wound. The batting cages are my second home; the field is my cabin. I could take grounders all day long, and do throw downs until I can’t feel my shoulder anymore. Its an intense high I get from the sport. Its not the most “Physically” fit sport out there (Hense why I don’t enjoy soccer or hockey as much as I should after playing 14 years…) But your mind is always working. Constantly reminding itself about where to throw, where to position yourself, what the pitcher is going to throw next…You get tired, Man.

And now to talk about my baseball team love <3 Its October baby. The only other time baseball is at its best is April. My Minnesota Twins are in the playoffs this year, AGAIN, and I’ll be glued to my Twins appeal, TV, iPhone, Computer, you know everything. I’m a hardcore Twins fan, as well as the Boston Red Sox. Thus, I swear to the baseball gods, that the Yankees need to get wiped clean. The twins are the feel good, hometown team. How many times do you hear about them having trouble in the clubhouse? Or fighting with other teams? Never. Theyre the team you bring your infant to, or your 90 year old grandma for their first game. I have never not had fun at a Twins Game. I’m still a little jealous I havnt been to the new stadium. :(
I’ll be ending on this; Make the world a better place; punch a Yankees fan in the face.
Also, seriously, watch Fever Pitch. I want my Ben. <3
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